Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

Okay, I'm trying this blog thing out finally.

Today is Father's Days and I am so blessed to have the best husband and father for my children. As many of you know, we struggled with having children and were finally blessed with the twins in 2003. My pregnancy was horrible. Nausea, pre-term labor, bed rest, you name it. Michael was there for me every minute. He made the drive to St. Louis to the doctor's office with me 32 times. He set up everything in the bedroom for me so I wouldn't be bored during bedrest. He would make me breakfast, go to work, come home and make lunch, go to work, and come home and make dinner and spend the evening with me in the bedroom watching TV or just talking. I never had to worry about any! We made it to 36 weeks and they were both born healthy!

They came home and as you can imagine having twin newborns is not easy. He again took over everything and I had nothing to worry about except for feeding the babies. As they grew and he could do more, we took turns at night getting up with them and feeding them. I don't know how we made it through the first six months but I know we did it together. We also had to make countless more trips to St. Louis because Zach was born with a club foot.

The twins grew older and along came Kaitlyn. Again, Michael was a huge help. We now had 2 year old twins and I was pregnant with the same problems as the first time. I made it through with no bedrest this time and only meds to stop labor and we made it to 38 weeks. He was there for me again every step of the way.

He is an awesome father and husband and I don't know what I would do without him.

Here's to Michael, my best friend, husband, daddy to my children! We love you! Happy Father's Day!


Leaphart2 said...

It is a blessing to have a husband and father who helps out like ours do!! Not many dad's really take on the role as much as the name. We are blessed to have such great daddies for our babies and husbands for us!
Great Blog Jen!

jendrew99 said...

You are so right, Kristie!